Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Dailomaa’s website. The terms: “Dailomaa.com”, “we”, and “us” refers to the owner of this website. The terms “you”, “our customers”, or “users” refers to the users or viewers currently using our site.

This Site is owned and operated by Dailomaa and its affiliates (collectively, "Dailomaa"). Dailomaa provides various services through this Site and related mobile apps (the “Services”). These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern your access to and use of the Service. By clicking on the “I Agree” button or using the Service in any way, you are indicating that you accept these Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms then you will be asked to leave the Service.

The Terms and Conditions hereof shall apply to all users of Dailomaa, including customers and employees. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please discontinue using our website as any continued use will be at your sole risk.


Dailomaa is owned and operated by Dailomaa Pvt. Ltd. Our services include allowing users to buy and sell their products also can sell scrap. We provide our own delivery services to the user's desired locations.

Please note that in our sole discretion at any time and with or without notice, we may offer any kind of offers, or promotions with the ability to make changes to the duration, type, and incentives of the promotion programs along with a termination.




Creating an account with us and supplying personal information to complete the account creation procedure may be necessary for users to access certain services provided by Dailomaa. The decision to invalidate the username is solely ours and/or password, or the account itself, without prior notice or explanation. We won't be held accountable or liable for any losses incurred as a result of, connected with, or as a result of any request for invalidation. Out of, or in connection with, or by reason of any request or invalidation.


Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their user identification, password, personal details, and account details. You agree to accept this responsibility and ensure that your account and its details are maintained securely at all times in order to prevent any misuse of your account. You are required to inform us as soon as possible if you have any reason to believe that your password has become known to anyone else, or our account is being used or likely to be used in an unauthorized manner. You agree to the fact that any use of this site and the services offered and any access to the information or the user of your account and password shall be deemed to be either performed by you or authorized by you as the case may be. You agree to be bound by any access to the website and use of the services offered. The users must agree that Dailomaa shall be entitled but not obliged to act upon, rely on, or hold you solely responsible and liable in respect thereof as if the same were carried out or transmitted by you. You acknowledge and agree that you shall be bound by and agree to fully indemnify us against any and all losses arising from your use of the site or access to the site through your account. As a customer, you are obligated to update the details about your account and your information in real-time by accessing your account online. For pieces of information you are not able to update in any case, you can inform us via our customer services to assist you with these changes.

We reserve the right to refuse access to the Site, terminate accounts, or remove or edit content at any time without prior notice to you. We may at any time in our sole and absolute discretion, request that you update your Personal Data or forthwith invalidate the account or related details without giving any reason or prior notice and shall not be liable or responsible for any losses suffered by or caused by you or arising out of or in connection with or by reason of such request or invalidation. You hereby agree to change your password from time to time and to keep your account secure also shall be responsible for the confidentiality of your account and liable for any disclosure or use (whether such use is authorized or not) of the username and/or password.


Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy, which also applies to your visit to the Site. Your use of the Site and the personal information/data you supply to us will be treated in strict confidence in line with the Privacy Policy and any relevant laws and regulations. Please refrain from using the Site if you disagree with how your information is shared or used in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


You agree that Dailomaa is an online store where you can buy things at the quoted price whenever you want, from wherever you are, using the payment method of your choice (we may charge you a fee for choosing various options available on the platform). You also agree and understand that we are merely acting as an intermediary and are unable to participate in or exert any kind of control over any transactions made through the Site or a payment gateway made accessible to you by a third-party service provider. In light of this, the purchase agreement for products on Dailomaa shall be a strictly bipartite agreement between you and the site's vendors, with the service handling payment processing.


We will do every effort to guarantee continuous, uninterrupted, and error-free access to Dailomaa.com. This cannot be assured, though, because of how the Internet and the Site operate. Your access to the Site may also periodically be paused or limited to allow for servicing, cleaning, or the unannounced introduction of new facilities or services. The frequency and length of any such suspension or limitation will be kept to a minimum.


By using the Site, you represent that you are of legal age to enter into contracts and that you are either at least 18 years old or using the Site with the guidance of a parent or guardian. In accordance with the terms and conditions outlined here, we hereby give you a non-transferable, revocable, and non-exclusive license to use Dailomaa.com for the exclusive purpose of making purchases of personal goods and services that are advertised for sale on the Site. Unless as expressly authorized in advance by us, commercial use or usage on behalf of any third party is prohibited.

the following terms and conditions in order to purchase personal goods and services that are advertised for sale on the site. Unless as expressly authorized in advance by us, commercial use or usage on behalf of any third party is prohibited. You represent that, if you are registering as a business entity, you are authorized to bind that entity to this User Agreement and that both you and the business entity will abide by all applicable laws governing online commerce.

No individual or company may register more than once as a member of the Site. The license granted in this clause may be terminated immediately and without prior notice for any violation of these Terms and Conditions. This website only makes informational content available. Product representations on this site, including prices, stock availability, features, add-ons, and other information, are the responsibility of the vendors who are showing them, and we can not guarantee that they are entirely correct. Contributions and opinions made on this website are those of the authors and may not represent our views.

We now offer you a limited license to access and make personal use of this Site. However, you are not permitted to download (other than for page caches) or change the Site in any way. This license forbids the following actions: selling or otherwise transferring this Site or its contents; collecting and using any product listings, descriptions, or prices; altering this Site or its contents; downloading or copying account information for the benefit of another seller; and using data mining, robots, or other tools for similar information gathering and extraction.


Without our prior written approval as may be necessary, you are not permitted to use this Site or any part of it (including but not limited to any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information) for any commercial reason. Without our express written authorization, you may not frame or utilize framing methods to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or forms).

You must first receive our express written approval, as appropriate, you are not allowed to use any meta tags or other language that makes use of our name or brand. The permission or license we have given you to access the Site will immediately and without warning end if it is used unlawfully. Without first obtaining our express written approval, where appropriate, you are not permitted to utilize our logo or any other proprietary graphics or trademark as part of an external connection for any kind of profit-making endeavor.

You acknowledge that engaging in any of the prohibited behaviors specified in this section may result in the instant deletion of your account, services, reviews, orders, or any other unfinished business with us, and in serious situations, may even subject you to legal action.

 ● Refusal to follow any other usage rules and regulations that are always available on the site, including the terms and conditions specified above.

 ● Falsely assert your affiliation with any person or organization or otherwise misrepresent your identity as that person or organization.

● Attempt to access, interfering with, or otherwise disturbing any computer systems or networks linked to the platform or services.

 ● Interfere with a third party's use and enjoyment of the site;

 ● Any restricted content that the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal deems unlawful may not be posted, promoted, or transmitted through the Site.

●  Upload and use in any way any software or material that includes that you have reason to suspect contains, viruses, damaging components, malicious code, or harmful components that could corrupt or impair the data on the Site, harm another Customer's computer or mobile device, or interfere with the Site's functionality, and use the Site in a manner that is not compliant with the acceptable use policies of any connected computer networks, any applicable Internet standards, or a legal or ethical requirement.


You are not allowed to use the website in any way that interrupts, damages, or otherwise impairs access to it or the Site in any way. You shall refrain from any actions that might endanger or threaten the Site, its officers, representatives, stakeholders, or any other parties who are either directly or indirectly connected to the Site or whose access to it may be disrupted, damaged, or hindered in any manner. You are aware that all electronic communications and content transferred from your computer to us are your responsibility, not ours, and that you may only use the Site for legitimate business needs. The Site cannot be used by you under any circumstances.


  1. For fraudulent reasons, or in connection with a criminal offense or other illegal activity, to send, use, or reuse any content that is not your own; that is unlawful, offensive (including, but not limited to, content that is sexually explicit or that advocates racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm); deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic or menacing; ethnically objectionable, disparaging or in breach of copyright, trademark, confidentiality privacy or any other private information or right; or is otherwise harmful to third parties; or pertains to or encourages gambling; is detrimental in any way to children; or impersonates another person; or threatens the unity, integrity, security, or sovereignty of Nepal

  2. To irritate, inconvenience, or unnecessarily worry.

  3.  Any additional goals outside of those we had in mind.



Any questions, reviews, comments, and suggestions (collectively, "Submissions") that you send to us or submit through the Site will become our full and exclusive property and won't be returned to you. You grant us the right to use your name in connection with any reviews, comments, or other content you post on the Site in addition to the rights applicable to any Submission when you post comments or reviews there. You may not give us or other parties misleading information about the origin of any submissions by using a false e-mail address, posing as someone other than yourself, or in any other way. Without prior notification or taking any legal action, we may remove or amend any submissions, but we are not required to.


It is not possible for us to be aware of the contents of every product listed for sale, or every remark or review that is displayed, despite the fact that we list thousands of products for sale supplied by several vendors on the Site and host numerous comments on listings. As a result, our business model is "claim, review, and takedown." Any content that you find to be unlawful, objectionable (including, but not limited to, content that is sexually explicit or that encourages racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm), deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, pedophile, or menacing should be reported to the appropriate authorities.; ethnically offensive, disparaging, or otherwise harmful to third parties; related to or promoting money laundering or gambling; harmful to minors in any way; impersonating another person; endangering Nepal's unity, integrity, security, or sovereignty; or offensive or otherwise illegal in any way; or made up of or containing software viruses ("objectionable content"). We will do every reasonable effort to look into and remove any legitimately objectionable content that has been reported within a fair amount of time. Please be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and any other pertinent information regarding the claim, such as the name of the party responsible for the objectionable content, examples of the complaint, and supporting documentation. Please be aware that giving insufficient information will make your claim void and useless as a legal argument.


 The domain name dailomaa.com, the company logo, and other marks mentioned on our website are either registered trademarks or trademarks in Nepal. It is forbidden to use any of our trademarked images, such as our logos, page headers, buttons, icons, scripts, and service names, in connection with goods or services that do not belong to us. Whether they are registered or unregistered, all intellectual property rights in the Site, the data it contains, and the entire website design—including, but not limited to, text, graphics, software, photos, videos, music, and sound—as well as all software compilations, underlying source code, and software—shall remain our property. In accordance with international treaties and Nepali copyright laws, the entire material of the Site is also protected by copyright as a collective work. Every right is restrained.


You agree to use your best and most cautious judgment before engaging in any transactions through Dailomaa.com, and you realize that you are accessing the Site's services and transacting at your own risk. We won't be held responsible or explicitly disclaims all duty and responsibility for any actions or inactions on the part of sellers, as well as any breach of terms, representations, or warranties made by either the sellers or the product's producers. We won't arbitrate or settle any disputes you may have with the product's vendors or producers. Any actions or inactions of any other service provider listed on our site, including but not limited to payment providers, installment programs, warranty services, and others, shall not be subject to our liability or responsibility.

                    K. THIRD PARTY BUSINESSES

On the Site, businesses other than Dailomaa.com and its affiliates may run shops, offer services, or sell product lines. For instance, both companies and individuals sell goods on the Marketplace. We also offer links to the online presences of some other corporations and affiliates. We do not control, oversee, or approve the offerings of any of these companies or people, nor do we guarantee or support the information found on their websites .We do not accept any liability or responsibility for any of these third parties' deeds, goods, or material. You can identify when a third party is engaged in your transactions by carefully reading them, and we might give that third party access to customer information relating to those transactions. You should carefully read their terms and conditions and privacy statements.



You can  communicate with us electronically when you use Dailomaa.com or send us emails. When placing an order with us, you will need to have a working phone number. We may contact you by phone, text message, email, publishing notices on the Site, or any other method of communication we determine to use. You agree to receive communications from us for contractual purposes, such as transactional, promotional, and/or commercial messages, regarding your use of the all forms and can acknowledge of communication will be given the same weight while using the website (or placing an order).



We won't be held liable for any commercial or individual losses (such as, but not limited to, lost profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill, or wasted expenditures) or any other indirect or consequential loss that was not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you first started using Dailomaa.com.



We reserve the right to alter the Site, its rules, these terms and conditions, and any other condition or guarantee that is prominently published at any time. Unless a change to those policies or these conditions is mandated by law or a government agency, you will be bound by the terms and conditions in effect at the time you used the site (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you). If any of these terms are found to be invalid, void, or otherwise unenforceable for any reason, that term will be deemed severable and will not have an impact on the validity and enforceability of any other terms.


If a delay or failure results from a circumstance beyond of our reasonable control, we shall not be held liable for the delay or failure to fulfill our duties under these terms. This condition has no bearing on any of your remaining statutory rights.


You comprehend and acknowledge that we are a privately owned business with the right to conduct operations in a manner we see fit in order to accomplish our goals. You accept that even if you violate the terms outlined on our site and we choose not to take any action, we are still within our rights to use these terms in future circumstances.


We may, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, immediately terminate the Terms and Conditions or withdraw some or all of the rights that have been given to you under the Terms and Conditions without giving you prior notice. You must immediately stop using and accessing the Site upon any termination of this Agreement. We will also immediately revoke any passwords or account identification we may have given you, as well as restrict your access to and use of this Site in whole or in part, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies. The parties' respective rights and obligations (including without limitation, payment obligations) arising prior to the date of termination shall not be impacted by the termination of this agreement. Furthermore, you acknowledge that any suspension or termination of the Site shall not subject the Site to any liability to you or to any other person. Your only and only option if you are unhappy with the Site or any terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines, or practices governing the operation of Dailomaa.com is to stop using the Site.


The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal's legislation shall govern the interpretation of these terms and conditions. You consent, as do we, to submit to the sole jurisdiction of the Kathmandu courts.


To contact us, click here.


I. Send us your request to delete or deactivate your account by filing the  form click here

ii. We may ask you further information if required.

iii. Your Account will be deleted or deactivated within 7 business days. 


The merchant who is selling the good or service posts the prices on the website in Nepalese Rupees and with VAT included. The most recent price listed on an item's product detail page will always be reflected for items in your shopping cart. Please be aware that this price can be different from the one displayed for the item when you originally added it to your cart. The price that is now displayed does not become reserved when you add an item to your cart. Also, it's possible that an item's price will drop between the time you add it to your cart and when you actually buy it.

 Although we make every effort to give our users the most accurate pricing information possible on the Site, mistakes can nevertheless happen, such as when an item's price is incorrectly posted there. Thus, we have the right to reject or revoke any order. In the case that an item is mispriced, we reserve the right to either get in touch with you to get instructions or to cancel your order and let you know about it. Regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and your prepayment has been handled, we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any such orders. In the event that your prepay order is canceled, our refund rules will be in effect.

On each product information page as well as elsewhere on the site, we provide availability details for products that are mentioned. We cannot be more detailed about availability than what is stated on that page or elsewhere on the Site. The dispatch estimates are simply that—estimates.

These should not be taken as assured shipment times because they are not. If any of the products you ordered turn out to be out of stock as we process your order, you will be notified by email or text message.

For prepaid orders, our return rules will be in effect. Please be aware that occasionally, for a variety of reasons, an order cannot be processed. Every order may be rejected or canceled at any time and for any reason by the Site. Before we approve your order, you might be required to submit extra proof or details, such as your phone number and address.


Reselling Dailomaa products to customers for a profit is not permitted under any circumstances. Legal action may be taken against anyone found conducting the aforementioned act without authorization.


Users agree to pay any and all applicable taxes as required by law, in addition to any fees and charges that may be associated with purchasing products from Dailomaa.


You are corresponding with us digitally when you surf the website or send us an email. In addition to posting alerts on the website and providing notifications, we may also contact you by phone, SMS, email, or other means. According to our needs, we can select any other form of contact. You give Dailomaa permission to send you messages relating to your use of our website and the services we offer, including transactional, promotional, or commercial messages.


Whenever you access the website, Dailomaa.com is not liable for any business or individual losses (including, but not limited to, the loss of profits, contracts, savings, data, spending, or goodwill) or any other kind of direct or indirect loss that is not easily foreseen by both you and us  provide.


The Site, its rules, these terms and conditions, and any other publicly disclosed term or service commitment are all subject to change at any moment. Unless a change to the policies or the terms and conditions is mandated by law or a government agency (in which case it will apply to orders you've already placed), you'll be bound by the terms and conditions in effect at the time you accessed the website. Any of these conditions that are found to be invalid, void, or for any other reason unenforceable will be deemed severable, and their validity and enforceability will still be unaffected by the other terms.


If there is a delay or failure to perform our responsibilities under these terms due to an event that is beyond our reasonable control, we shall not be held liable. Your statutory rights are unaffected by this condition.


The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal's legislation shall govern the interpretation of these terms and conditions. You consent, as do we, to submit to the sole jurisdiction of the Kathmandu courts.